These days insurance companies are more and more trying to get out of paying for things through your insurance. They seem to always be able to find a way out of everything, citing small print or some other way to help from paying you your hard-earned money. This isn't fair. Why not?
This isn't fair because you can't help the fact that you have diabetes. No one asked you if you wanted to be sick with this disease, so you shouldn't have to deal with insurance companies on top of everything else you are dealing with. Is it so much for them to pay for your glucose strips, or let alone a cheap glucose monitor to help pay your bills. Heck, you deserve it.
Plus, you have to do other things like checking your blood multiple times per day. Pricking yourself all the time isn't what I call a fun time. It's almost as if they think you are faking this disease just so you can get free stuff from them. If you're like me you'd rather give it all back, along with the disease, then have to deal with this anymore. Luckily there is a solution for this:
You can get free diabetes supplies from your insurance if you just do a little bit of research. There are companies out there that will give you these free supplies because they get the money directly from your insurance. They want that money so badly that they will give you nice glucometers than you will find at the stores because they will make more money from the insurance companies in the long run through supplies.
Think about it. How many test strips do you use per day? Three? Five? Ten? They all cost about one dollar each, so that means a lot of profit for the companies. Therefore they have a great reason to give you the glucometer for free.
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